Friday, May 28, 2010

Workshop idea

Now I've been thinking and I would really like to start-up crafty workshops in addition to the market. You know all the crafty stuff you want to learn but never do. Like knitting, embroidery, applique, sewing, resin jewellery...could go on and on.
Want do you think? Could probably bet held at one of the rooms at Wrights Rd during the week? Suggestions?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Hills are alive with a new market- Hide & Seek

Hi All

The first Hide & Seek market is trully underway:

Venue- check
Blog- check
facebook page- check

Still need my webpage finalised along with flyers to distribute, but I must saw I am proud for an IT phobe like myself.

Hide & Seek's first market will be held on Sunday 25 July from 10am-3pm at Wrights Rd Reserve & Community Centre @ Kellyville. A brand new centre!!

Looking for funky handcrafted baby & kids goods that will mesmerize us all! There will be a variety of products on offer including gorgeous clothing, handmade softies, vintage inspired creations, lovely designer linens and the list goes on.

If you'd like to come along and be a stallholder and mingle with all your fellow crafters, attached is stallholder info. Can't wait to see you all there!

To become a stallholder, please complete application form and email to me at: